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if you go into a door and use the block thing, you're softlocked.

Can't you just turn and use the block against a wall to cancel it? 

nope, if you walk into a door, you're locked into the walking action until you come out of the other side of the door. if there's a wall that's blocking you, you can't do anything.

Huh that's strange...

For me it resets any blocks in a room whenever I leave it so that never happened in my run.

So maybe it didn't clear the rooms properly for you?

A: you missunderstood me. 

Step 1: place a block inside of a door

Step 2: go into the door

Step 3: automatically walk into the block forever

B: it seems like it got fixed.

Yeahh tried doing what you said, looks like it got fixed. Looks like it treats doors like regular walls now so you can't place blocks in them. 

Nice game!



So far I've only gotten the second summon and got severely lost after that but will definitely come back to this game at some point

Really remarkable how much effort y'all put into this given the time frame

I think the only thing this really needs now is a map, but otherwise, phenomenal work as always


im your fan :D


I got lost in the snow level and I liked the puzzles  a lot and it was really fun. The final boss was so good.


I look forward to every one of your entries because I can't wait to see what kind of mini masterpiece you've all created, and this is no exception! Truly such a delightful classic dungeon crawling adventure, kudos to the whole team!


no no no this can't be a 3 day jam game this is an ENTIRE ZELDA GAME



hello globeba

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